26 August 2011

Random Stacked Conglomeration of Fecal Matter

So I had this list:
Longevity at previous employer who exported jobs to Mexico thanks to NAFTA (Thanks, Bill!)
Secondary undocumented skill set
Willingness to work when ever needed
Fast learning curve
Age and experience

I was going to go into this whole tirade about how screwed up things are in the job market and that it seems that companies have their priorities back asswards and need to change. The problem wit this concept... I CAN actually see the flip side of the coin. I do see how, in general, it could appear that a person staying in the same job for an extended period of time COULD show a lack of motivation and complacency rather than loyalty and dedication. I also see how a lack of documentation of a skill set could also show a lack of determination rather than motivation and a desire to better oneself with new skills. I can see how a willingness to work what ever shift that is needed, can be perceived as desperation, rather than someone who will put their job in a primary place in their life. I recognize that a fast learning curve can represent a lack of focus instead a strong desire to increase one's skills and abilities. It is also apparent to me that a person of my age can be seen as some one unwilling to change or accept constructive commentary on their performance, especially from someone younger, instead of a resource of knowledge and experience that could be used to benefit and advance a company. I see this, so I feel like my original design to this post might be a little unmerited. Seeing as I can't seem to delve into my once prevalent depths of creativity, I'm not really sure where to take this and am just spouting off a random stacked conglomeration of fecal matter. I will admit that I'm kind of aggravated about the fact that I keep running into the same wall, no matter which avenue I pursue. That wall... the fact that my former employer COULD call me back. They haven't for almost 2 1/2 years! It seems companies, even using temp agencies, don't want to expend the capital to train someone that might leave after getting a letter in the mail. Of course, the fact that the sun could super nova at any point and The Dr. not make it there in time to save the earth, didn't stop them from coming in to work that day. Asking an interviewee whether or not they will return to their former employer if called is akin to asking you what you are going to do if your dog spontaneously combusted while hiking on a fire hydrant. It's a situation that can only truly be dealt with when it happens. Again... I can see the opposing view... if they say "yes", then you have narrowed you candidate pool, but if they inform you that given an acceptable opportunity with your company they would pass... do you still pass over them based on your thought that them returning is " more money than a reasonable person could pass up" (yes... that is a direct quote from a job interview I had!). I can't tell someone interviewing me for a job that I'm not a "reasonable" person, can I?! But there I go straying into that negative mindset that I'm trying to avoid in this. Despite all the times I have had multiple interviews with the same places, only to still be sitting here without a job, I am REALLY trying to maintain a positive outlook. I know at some point, someone will finally realize that I am an asset to their business instead of the worthless, beaten down piece of shit that I see when I look in the mirror. They say it's not what you know, but who you know. Yeah.... that hasn't really worked out they way "they" said it would. Through it all, I keep pressing on... trying... running towards that light at the end of the tunnel, desperately hoping it's not yet another on coming train. I can't even get a blog to garner any kind of respectable following. I keep swimming to the surface only to be able to inhale enough air to make it through my next trip to the bottom. That's positive, right? I can see from their perspective all the reasons why someone would not want to hire me and am still at odds with the fact the positive attributes about my work history that I have worked so hard to advance, is being used against me. So anyway, there's a little steam blown off in a "positive" way. 5-10 hits later... at least I will feel a little better and will have managed to ignore the TV for a little bit.

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