14 January 2010

What to do, what to do!

A blog... it should be focused and factual and about something that you are really "into", to be successful, right? Well... I'm "into" so many things, that it's hard to nail down one specific enough to be that "successful" topic that catapults you to the top of the heap. So for now... I'm just going to hit and miss and be random about the many things that brighten my day or my week or even a couple of seconds. Yup... I gots a fuckin mouth on me which is why there is an "explicit" warning before you actually get here. Seriously, though, I doubt that I will be "explicit" on here, sans the language that I use that "THEY" have deemed inappropriate for general consumption. So... away we go!


So I wanted to give y'all a little taste of the stuff I'm "into, since the opening there is a little vague. So here's a couple links:

Powermat charging system


Just a little sampling. More to follow...

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