12 July 2011

Google+, a laymen's first impression

I think it's interesting that in a lot of the stuff I am reading, comments included, that people are trying to cram Google+ into a preconcieved "box" as a facebook rival/killer. I don't think it's that at all. Not being a tech professional in any way, shape or form, this feels more like an enterprise productiviy suite with a social aspect thrown in. Standing firmly outside the enterprise environment, I see Google+ as a deeply integrated, though still in it's infancy, collaborative tool for business. The ability to compartmentalize/departmentalize your contacts into specific groups and push out updates to just those groups is powerful, not only as social tool,  but as a business tool. The ability to video conference with multiple people is a useful and cost effective way for small to medium sized businesses to play in the same league with the big boys without the overhead involved with buying and maintaining application specific equipment. Many companies and educational institutions already utilize and enjoy the horsepower and cost savings provided by Gmail, Google calendars, and Google Docs. Throw in Picasa, YouTube and Google Reader and the educational and business applications become seemingly endless. Although it is, basically, a social network and even the mighty Mashable, is touting it's merits (and flaws) as a social network, I think it goes deeper (or broader, depending on how you look at it) than that. I feel there's a place for both facebook and Google+ in any company's arsenal, once it gets fleshed out, by Google, as to which direction they want + to go. facebook is an excellent tool for promotion and advertising of your brand or products and a way to keep the technologically enabled masses informed and coming back. On the flipside, Google+ is more of an in-house toolbox for keeping employees (vendors, customers) abreast of what is happening and/or will happen while allowing for ease of integration, easy collaboration and lower overhead. Once Google makes the call, we'll then see whether or not we need to bitch about being able to play Farmville or "poke" our "friends" on Google+. Again, Let me reiterate that I am NOT an enterprise/technology professional. I'm just a dude putting his opinion out there for scrutiny and waiting for Apple to approve the Google+ app. This fact in and of itself (waiting for the iPhone app), just goes to show that this  product suite of products, is still young in it's lifespan and as a "field trial" has a lot of room to grow as well as directionality to work out.

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