27 April 2011

You know you're doing something right...

When your kid does this...

My 11 year old Daughter has recently had a bought with Unstable Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis or USCFE, which is basically the head of the femur pushing out of the socket as the hip growth plate slips. It was at first, assumed that she had just pulled a groin muscle from playing softball, but as the weeks passed by we got more concerned. Then came the fateful day when she fell. The Drs reckon it was a result of her hip completely displacing! She's been extremely mature and a fighter through it all. She was in surgery for 8 hours the night of her fall. She also agreed to participate (YES, we let her decide!) in a trial to monitor blood flow to the repaired area in an effort to increase the success rate of this type of surgery and possibly prevent complications in future patients. I wish I knew what we, as her parents, did to instill in her a sense of helping others even in her our time of need!

Knowing that since she was facing the worst case scenario with her injuries and was going to be basically confined to a wheelchair for about 3 months, I made her a cushion for the chair. Peace signs are her thing. Not so much the free love hippie kind of peace, but the "can't we all just get along" kind. She's also keen on recycling and everything "green". Which is why her foam in the cushion is soy based and I think the fabric was recycled, too.

For the first week she was in the hospital and in a constant state of drug induced haze.Most of the time she had a catheter and could barely move. She took it all in stride, rarely complained (She's 11... there's gonna be SOME complaining!), but was keen to know what was going on with her and the healing process. Of course, she was anxious to get out of the hospital and back to the comfort of her own bed. I think she was kind of missing her little sister!
We also had to build a ramp to get her in and out of the house. Once she started her home Physical Therapy she rolled herself up to the kitchen table and made this:
If you can't read it, it's a chart she made from the list of exercises that the Physical Therapist gave her to try and do. The sheer drive and creativity that she has exhibited during this ordeal, is an inspiration not only to me, but hopefully to anyone that reads this and the upcoming blog that I am going to help her establish to chronicle the events for herself!

All of this is basically to tell the world...


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